Thursday, October 16, 2014

Talkshawk 75 Paisa Package

Talkshawk 75 Paisa Package

Telenor normally delivers affordable Telenor call packages and offers for its clients. Talkshawk members can talk all day long long in very lower calling prices on Telenor network. Telenor provides Telenor Talkshawk 75 program which delivers the cheapest calling prices in Pakistan for only Rs 0.75+Tax on 30 seconds base for all calls created from Telenor to Telenor along with from Talkshawk 75 Paisa Package to all other local networks of Pakistan 

So say hello there to your beloved ones with Telenor Talkshawk 75 package right now. The information of Talkshawk 75 Paisa Package are provided listed below. So don-t wait around and only register to this interesting Telenor package right now! Package information are provided right here:

How To Change To Telenor Talkshawk 75 :

All present Telenor pre-paid clients can change to Telenor Talkshawk 75 Paisa Package Call Bundle for Rs.10 ( comprehensive of tax).

Just dial 345661/345662, and follow the automatic tone of voice
Rs.0.25 exceptional of tax you can be priced for IVR.

You are able to also send out an Text messages “ Migrate” to 345
Rs.2/SMS exceptional of tax you can be priced for sending text messages Talkshawk 75 Paisa Package

Voice Package Plan:

From Telenor to Telenor, Rs. 0.75+Tax you can be priced for 30 second at any time i.e. 24 several hours a day.

From Telenor with other mobile networks, Rs. 0.75+Tax you can be priced for 30 second at any moment i.e. 24 several hours a day.

From Telenor to PTCL, Rs. 0.75+Tax you can be priced for 30 second at any moment i.e. 24 several hours a day.

FromTalkshawk 75 Paisa Package to worldwide numbers, standard prices are applied for 24 several hours of a time.

These prices are inclusive of Inter connect and lengthy distance fees.
All outgoing calls / air time use is exposed to 19.5% CED Just.

SMS Package System:

For text messages from Telenor to Telenor, Rs 1.50 for every text messages will be priced.

For text messages from Telenor to other Mobile networks, Rs 1.50 per sms will be priced.

For text messages from Telenor to worldwide number, Rs 2.50 per sms you can be priced.

In coming Text messages is totally free.

Video Calls Package Program:

Video calls could be created for just Rs. 2 + Tax per 5 minutes base.

Mobile MMS, Internet & WAP Package Plan:

Talkshawk 75 Paisa Package

Service can be activated for totally free.
Local MMS of < 100 Kb / s is accessible for 6 PKR.

Local MMS of 100<x<200 Kb / s is accessible for 12 PKR.

Local MMS of 200<x<300 Kb / s is accessible for 18 PKR.

Worldwide MMS of < 100 Kb / s is accessible for 17.99 PKR.

Worldwide MMS of100<x<200 Kb / s is accessible for 35.98 PKR.

Worldwide MMS of 200<x<300 Kb / s is accessible for 53.97 PKR.
Receiving MMS is absolutely free.

Mobile Internet/WAP Use (Upload / Down load for every MB) is priced at only Rs. 18 inclusive of tax. Talkshawk 75 Paisa Package

Totally free Services:

All Incoming Calls

Caller Line Identity (CLI)

Mobile Call Waiting
Mobile Conference Calling (subscription)
Roaming (anyplace in Pakistan)


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