Warid Voice Craze
Warid generally presents these kinds of interesting and less expensive Offer and packages for the pre-paid clients that may absolutely save their large part of cash. Warid Voice Craze package is also an improvement in the list of lower pace calling offers by Warid. With Warid Voice Craze bundle,
get take it easy for the overall weeks time as it will present its members with 200 free minutes for A week at the smallest prices of Rs.110 + tax only. So, register to Warid Voice Craze package to help you save your weekly price range.
The best way to Register:
For registration, just dial 321.
By phone dialing *100# for Rs 0.10 +tax, members can check out their normal Rupes balance and also balance of totally free minutes.
Free Features Warid Voice Craze:
125 onnet calling minutes to every one Warid Mobile numbers.
25 off-net (land line / other mobile staff) calling minutes.
50 Free voice talk minutes.
Warid Voice Craze Fees:
Every week local rental fees of Rs.110 exceptional of taxes are applied.
How To Un Register:
For UN registration, basically dial 321
Warid Talky Free Minutes:
Warid talky minute may be used war onnet and also off nets phoning.
Warid Voice Craze package. as much as 50 minute of voice talky might be used.
For both submitting and accessing talky information, minutes might be priced.
Warid Talky Message:
Right after methods will help you in sending Warid talky messages:
Just Dial * observed by person s phone number (e.g. *032XXXXXXXX).
Follow voice requires.
Records the messages.
Send Warid talky messages by pushing finish or hold
Right after methods can assist you for hearing Warid talky messages:
Warid Voice Craze
Just Dial *0* for all those new message.
Just Dial *1* for older messages
Follow voice requires.
Access your Talky message.
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