Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Zong Fast 50 offer More you call. bigger the discount

Zong Fast 50 offer More you call. bigger the discount

Zong provides an exciting system way of its customers with the locks, Zong Fast 50 offer. Zong has currently made available many provides that proven very much valuable for Zong customers in making long telephone cellphone calls with bigger discounted prices Zong Fast 50 offer More you call. bigger the discount.
 Zong fast 50 system is an inclusion in that history. It is dependent on a simple concept that “More you get in touch with, bigger the discount”. The whole cost technique is based on this thinking. It is simply fabulous! It indicates that as assess to formerly, if you get in touch with more on any system or number of Pakistan,Zong Fast 50 offer More you call. bigger the discount  your discounted system will immediately get enhanced. Such an offer is only offered by Zong yet. So, it is expected that it is going to give powerful opponents to its opponents in the telecoms market of Pakistan

How To Subscribe Zong Fast 50 offer More you call. bigger the discount:

-          For registration, simply dial *904# or send sms ‘sub’ to 904
-          For un-subscription, send sms ‘unsub’ to 904
-          Rs 15/migration is used as the traditional migration charges

Tariff Details Of Zong Fast 50 Offer:

The cost prices of Zong fast 50 package in which each set of Mintes is given are described below:

Minutes Consumed Tariff (in Rs.)
1-50 0.80
51-100 0.75
101-150 0.70
151-200 0.65
201-250 0.60
251-300 0.55
301+ 0.50
-          All expenses are on per 30 second foundation.
-          All expenses are without tax.

Details Of Zong Fast 50 Offer:

Zong Fast 50 Offer is very simple. The more the minutes are used, small type of you can be the calling charges and the more will be the lower price rates. The associates just need to get in touch with people on any program of Pakistan. Telephone phone calls must be family member to the value of 50 minutes. In this way, low priced will be available on the calling costs. After meeting this specifications, the next get in touch with will be charged according to the lower price rates plan. The client of Zong fast 50 offer will get the important points of decreased costs via sms by Zong telecoms Zong Fast 50 offer More you call. bigger the discount

After 1 time of modification to the specifications of Zong Fast 50 offer, you can appreciate discounted calling costs. Discount has a reliability of 1 30 days. After 1 1 30 days, opposite will be completely totally reset. So, associates have to do it again the design of calling to obtain the lower price rates via same procedure. All the on-net, off-net and IDD phone calls made are engaged in quick 50 offer by Zong. Furthermore,Zong fast 50 offer is only available for Zong pre-paid customers. Postpaid customers can’t make the use of it Zong Fast 50 offer More you call. bigger the discount


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