Thursday, October 23, 2014

Warid Ghanta Offer

Warid Ghanta Offer

Warid Ghanta Offer is particularly created for anyone warid prepaid clients that happen to be a lot loving of talking which they never think exhausted of long phone calls. Therefore Warid Ghanta Offer has arrived which gives very lower calling prices on per hour base.

Even more information on the call fees on Warid Ghanta Offer are provided listed below. So do not delay and only register for this interesting offer nowadays! Tariff information are provided right here:

With the account activation of Warid Ghanta Offer, just send text messages (Gh) to 3333

By signing up for this present, warid customers will call any kind of the warid number in every area of Pakistan completely for only Rs2.99 +taxs on per hour base anytime 24 several hours day except for 12am to 6pm.

Everyday local rental fees of this present are only Rs.2+taxes

This present is just accessible for everyone with the Warid Prepaid Minute Bundle and also ZEM clients. This involve Minute Package, (ZEM 30 LCR) (ZEM60) (ZEM30) and (ZEM01)

Based on the offer program, warid client sill pay out prices of offnet and onnet phone calls from 6 pm too 12 am

Small code fees of submitting text messages on 3333 are completely free.

With the deactivation of Warid Ghanta Offer, just send out text messages “Ghanta <space> off” too 3333

Terms and situations:

There are specific terms and situations with the registration of Warid Ghanta Offer that are talked about listed below:

Warid Ghanta Present is accessible just for anyone calls which have been created from warid to warid circle.

Warid Ghanta Offer is accessible just for  Limited time interval.

Warid Ghanta Offer is accessible for warid prepaid clients only.

Warid Ghanta Present is going to be on auto-pilot un activated just in case of local rental failure.


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